CHRISTIAN HUMOR Of The Day A daily laugh, which is good for all of us. As our Father has a loving and caring sense of humor, we can take comfort in knowing that He wants us to have fun as we live our lives. BIBLE BOOKS, Part 1 The whole thing starts in Genesis With Adam, Noah, Abe and Joe, Then Moses leads the Exodus When Pharaoh lets the people go. The reading of Leviticus Is labored, legal, long, and slow. And then the next book dishes us More Numbers than we need to know. But love gives us a little kiss In the nomy that's called Deutero. YOU SAW IT HERE FIRST Tattoo After Cain murdered Abel, God sentenced him to wander the earth, but he put a mark on him so people wouldn't kill him (Genesis 4:15). BRAIN STUFF Getting confused bout the order of those Old Testament patriarchs - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph? Remember: They're in alphabetical order. CRazY aDS Product: Malicious Apples ~ After one bite, you'll know everything's changed. Billbord: (in region near Babel) ~ Future Home of Tower High-Rise. "Reaching the Heavens". Book: Your Move by Abram ~ Relocating when you're not sure where you're going
And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD: it shall rejoice in his salvation. PSALMS 35:9 JULY 2013 QUIZ Whom did God create in his own image? a. People b. The serpent c. Jesus d. Charlton Heston What did the serpent urge Eve to do? a. Untie its tail b. Feed it the forbidden fruit c. Eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil d. Leave Adam While Adam and Eve were raising Cain, they were able to raise another son, too. What was his name? a. Frank b. Abraham c. Ananias d. Abel Why did God tell Noah to build an ark? a. People needed to be reminded of God's presence. b. There was going to be a major flood. c. Noah ws unemployed at the time and bored silly. d. He meant to say, "Build a park." Dumb Jokes Q: Why couldn't Cain please his parents? A: He just wasn't Abel. Q: Where is baseball in the Bible? A: In the big-inning, God created ...". Q: Why did Abel feel neglected? A: His parents were raising Cain. |